
Being The Father I Never Had: Parenting a Teenager in the Internet Age

As a teenager growing up in the Philippines in the late 80s and early 90s, my most pressing concern was whether I could get past level 3 in Contra without losing all my 40 lives. If someone had told me that my future battles wouldn't involve pixelated soldiers but invisible online predators, I'd have scoffed and gone back to strategizing my next Konami code assault. Yet, here I am. See, the thing about growing up without a dad is that you piece together the role from fragments. There were my friends' fathers, figures who dispensed cheesy advice and fixed bikes with a kind of quiet competence I yearned for. Then there were the sitcom dads—a little bumbling, maybe, but always there with a hug and a slightly out-of-touch pep talk when things went wrong. All these fragments fueled my determination: if I ever became a dad, I wouldn't just be present; I'd be all-in. Fast forward to today, and those childhood visions of fatherhood have collided with a reality far more comp

Copyright Controversy: A Look at the "Selos" Song, the Lenka Similarities, Online Responsibility, and Unexpected Publicity

The online world can be a passionate place, and recently, that passion ignited around a music copyright issue. A Filipino song titled "Selos" (meaning "jealousy") was flagged for copyright infringement on YouTube. The reason? Similarities between its melody and Lenka's popular song "Trouble Is a Friend." As a fellow content creator, I understand the importance of respecting copyright. I've even had my own brush with it, unknowingly using copyrighted background music in a video. It's a valuable lesson – copyright protects creators and ensures they're fairly compensated for their work. In this case, the resemblance between "Selos" and "Trouble Is a Friend" was significant enough to trigger YouTube's Content ID system. Additionally, fans familiar with Lenka's music likely reported the video. Here's where the story takes a turn. The "Selos" video remains live on YouTube, with news that AHS Productions,

The Freelancer's Guide to Turning Client Calls into Confident Sales Pitches

Remember those first client calls that felt like high-stakes interviews? Palms sweaty, mind racing –  just trying to convince them you're "good enough."  Been there, done that.  The truth is, most freelancers approach these calls from the wrong angle. We focus on selling ourselves, not our value. Here's how I transformed client calls from nerve-wracking experiences to confident sales pitches.  From Job Seeker to Problem Solver The shift starts with the mindset. You're not an applicant vying for a limited position. You're a consultant offering expertise.  This means actively listening and asking insightful questions. Instead of a generic "tell me about your project," try questions like:  "What would success look like for this project?"  "Can you share your biggest challenges in achieving X goal?"" How do you currently measure X metric?" These questions dig deeper, revealing their pain points and positioning you as someone

Stop Undervaluing Yourself: A Freelancer's Guide to Pricing with Confidence

Freelancing isn't a hobby. It's a business. Yet, too many freelancers treat it like a charity bake sale, practically giving their work away. Clients offer a pittance, and somehow freelancers say "yes" instead of laughing them out of their virtual office.  Why does this bizarre dance keep happening? Let's break it down. The Client Conundrum Some clients are cheapskates. It's a simple fact. They want champagne results on a soda budget. But there's more to it: The Budget Blindspot : Many clients have a sticker-shock mentality. They've been conditioned by bargain-basement online marketplaces. They don't get that quality requires investment. Freelancer =/= Employee : Some clients still see freelancers as less overhead, therefore less valuable. They forget about all the costs we cover that employees don’t. "Just This One Thing" : They ask for a "quick edit" or a "simple logo." They haven't grasped that years of practice

From 'What's Your Rate?' to 'Here's What I Can Do For You' – Mastering the Freelance Money Talk

  Let's be real, the pricing conversation is the most awkward dance in the freelance world. You know you're good at what you do. The client seems excited. And then the dreaded question pops up: "So, what's your rate?" Suddenly, your brain morphs into a scrambling mess of dollar signs and crippling self-doubt. I've been there. Even with years of experience and a decent stack of glowing reviews, there are days I want to shrink when I hear those four little words. Low-ball offers can make those insecurities flare up like a bad sunburn.  But I've also learned that mastering the pricing talk is the key to building a sustainable – and fulfilling – freelance career. It's not about plucking a number out of thin air. It's about positioning yourself as a valuable partner, not just another hired hand. So, how do you transform from a nervous quote-giver to a confident deal closer? Pricing With a Backbone First things first, do your homework. Know your market r

Seeking Sunlight: Finding Simplicity in the Second Half

It's 3 AM and my body clock, that once loyal companion through late-night study sessions, has decided to stage a pre-dawn mutiny.  Tossing and turning, the silence stretches, punctuated only by the rhythmic hum of the refrigerator. What's there left to do except reflect?  Except sift through the memories and experiences that have brought me here, to this quiet hour on the cusp of a new day? As I lie here, a familiar thought surfaces - the relentless pursuit of "more." It fueled my younger years, propelling me forward in a constant chase for possessions, accomplishments, and a never-ending to-do list. But somewhere around the bend of 40, something shifted. The frantic energy that once defined my days began to feel like a burden, and a yearning for a simpler, more fulfilling existence took root. This yearning, I've come to realize, isn't about deprivation.  It's Plato who reminds us, "The greatest wealth is to live content with little."  It's a

Why I Keep Writing, Even When the Numbers Stay Low (And Nobody Cares About My Hot Takes on the Philippines)

Let's be real, this blog is a weird hybrid. It's my professional showcase, a place where I try to sound like I  know what I'm doing with freelancing, and apparently, a soapbox where I air my grievances about the Philippines because, well, sometimes I just have to vent.  One of these things is getting me clients. The other two? Crickets. So, why keep at it? Am I just a glutton for digital disappointment? It's possible. But there's more to it than that. Balancing Advocacy, Portfolio, and Expression The dream was noble: attract clients with my mad skills, empower other newbie freelancers, and be a voice of thoughtful reason (or impassioned outrage) on the state of our nation. Seemed doable, right? Wrong. Turns out, potential clients are more interested in website copy that doesn't start with a rant about the latest bureaucratic absurdity.  And fellow freelancers? Most of them want the easy fix, the magic trick to get clients yesterday.  They'd rather I just fix