
Showing posts with the label SOGIE Bill Philippines

Understanding and Accepting the LGBTQ+ Community Beyond Words

If you're like me, you might find yourself puzzled by the evolving discussions around gender identity. Growing up in Albay during the 1980s and 90s, I witnessed firsthand how terms like "bakla" were delivered with a sting that branded it an insult. Considering this background, my attempt to talk about gender fluidity and other LGBTQ+ topics might seem intricate. If this resonates with you, this article aims to cultivate understanding and respect for a community that is rightfully asserting its place in society. Understanding Sexuality and Gender Through Personal Stories I'm not an expert on this topic, so I reached out to several people to share their experiences, helping me explore the varied and personal nature of these identities. Here are their stories: Bea's Story - Heterosexual : Bea has always been attracted to the opposite sex. Her journey is filled with romantic interests and deepening relationships that reflect a heterosexual orientation, where emotional

Beyond "Ladies and Gentlemen": Embracing Gender Sensitivity in Daily Life

A teenager in Manila hesitates at the door of a public restroom. The signs say "Men" and "Women," but neither feels right. They're not just a girl or a boy anymore; something inside is shifting, questioning the labels the world has given them. This small yet profound moment speaks to the heart of gender sensitivity. It's about seeing beyond the signs and understanding the person standing before them. We live in a world where gender expressions are vast and varied, yet our words often fall short. The challenge is clear in the Philippines, where every " kuya " and " ate " carries weight. We need to shift how we speak and think in offices and everywhere. Let's start with the basics right here before diving deeper. It's time to learn, unlearn, and relearn—for everyone's sake. Understanding Gender Sensitivity The argument is as old as time: God created only two genders, male and female. This belief has shaped societies for centurie