
Showing posts with the label Freelancing tips

A Step into the Freelancing World: Understanding Skills, Expertise, and Reputation

No time to read? Listen to this article here .  I recently found myself in an intriguing conversation that I'd like to share with you. Late in the afternoon, my phone pinged with a message from a guy who had stumbled upon my name in a Facebook group. He was employed, but the paycheck wasn't quite covering the family bills. So, he was exploring the freelancing realm as a part-time venture. His question was simple: Did I have any job openings to recommend? In response, I suggested job search platforms like or, suitable for part-time job seekers. But I couldn't help but touch on the freelancing part because, well, there's so much to unpack there. I asked him straight off: "What are your skills and experience?" His response was, "I can do anything you ask me." And that, my friends, is where our conversation took an interesting turn. You see, in the dynamic world of freelancing, clients don't merely look for jack-of-all