
Showing posts with the label How to buy Connects

How to Evaluate Job Posts On Upwork - And Save Your Connects!

If you don't know how to spend your Upwork Connects, you could end up without a job or wait for the next month to get your free Connects again. Connects are the form of currency that you use to find a job on Upwork. It's a control system to prevent freelancers from applying for all the jobs posted there. If this currency system is not in place, it will be more difficult for the client to find the right person for the job.   As with any legal tender, it's limited so spend it wisely. So, in this article, I will teach you how to use your Upwork Connects to their full potential. I will explain how to evaluate a job posting and choose the best one for you. I cannot guarantee that you will find a job. However, knowing how to evaluate job postings alone will ensure you have Connects ready to spend when the right job comes along.  How to Use Your Upwork Connects Upwork has a monthly Connects plan. Each month, you get ten Connects, but they dry up quickly. So, you need to