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Outside: When the Real Horror is Inside the Home

WARNING: SPOILERS! Read at your own risk.  You expect zombies—hordes of them, stumbling, tearing through flesh, and relentless in their pursuit. But Outside doesn’t give you that. The film leads you down a much darker path: the horrors that fester within families, in the silence between words, in the weight of unresolved trauma. Sometimes, the scariest things aren’t the undead. The Wedding Reception: A Shallow Happiness The movie opens with a seemingly joyful home video of Francis and Iris’s wedding reception. Everyone is in a celebratory mood—there’s laughter, cake cutting, and the usual fanfare. But if you look closely, there’s something off. Iris’s wedding gown suggests she’s already pregnant, hinting at the timeline of events. And Diego, Francis’s brother, is in the background, smiling. But it’s a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. You can tell—his happiness is shallow. A fleeting moment reveals a deeper tension, one that will unravel as the story progresses. The joy in that

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