
Showing posts with the label feedback

To AI or Not to AI: The Ethics of Using ChatGPT to Give Feedback (and Why My Client's ChatGPT Trickery Rubbed Me the Wrong Way)

Yesterday, I landed a new gig writing articles for a client. Excitement buzzing in my veins, I dove straight into the work, eager to impress. After sharing my meticulously constructed article outline, I waited with bated breath for feedback. What I received instead was... well, a bit of a curveball. A wall of text that felt eerily familiar. Turns out, my client had simply pasted my outline into ChatGPT and hit "critique this for me and give me ways to improve it." Now, I'm no Luddite. I've dabbled with AI tools myself, marveling at their ability to spit out ideas and automate mundane tasks. But this felt different.  It felt like a cop-out, a shortcut that undermined the value of my work and the effort I'd put in. As the frustration simmered, a bigger question bubbled up: what are the ethics of using AI for feedback? Is it a helpful tool or a lazy way to avoid doing the real work of critical thinking and communication? And am I just being overly sensitive, or is th

Why Freelancer Feedback is Essential: A Guide for Clients

No time to read? Listen to this article here .  Are you a business owner or manager who works with freelancers on your projects? If so, you may find that communicating effectively with your freelance partners can be both beneficial and challenging. However, giving constructive input is essential to ensuring high-quality work and building strong relationships with your freelance partners. This article will explore why feedback is critical for the project and for both parties, the benefits of constructive feedback, and some tips for giving effective feedback. Importance of Constructive Feedback in Freelance Relationships As a client, feedback is crucial to ensure your project meets your business goals and encourage your freelancer to develop their skills. On the other hand, for freelancers, feedback is a valuable tool that helps them understand your expectations and improve the quality of their work. Regular feedback lets you stay on track and builds trust and respect between you a