
Showing posts from June 4, 2023

Google Doesn't Mind AI: Why You Shouldn't Either

No time to read? Listen to this article on Spotify .  A recent Facebook debate caught my eye, where an individual was reluctant to assign tasks to his writers due to the fear they might utilize AI tools like ChatGPT. This sparked a thought: if the content is engaging, original, informative, and serves its purpose, does it matter who or what writes it? Intriguingly, it seems Google, the titan of the digital world, agrees. As we explore the world of the internet, AI is no longer just a fancy idea. It's a co-contributor in our content creation process. No, we're not living in an episode of " Black Mirror " where AI's writing poetry. But the fear of being replaced seems to be at the crux of the issue. As the primary influence in content marketing, Google appears unfazed about who (or what) crafts the content. Rather, they emphasize ' E-A-T, ' standing for Expertise , Authoritativeness , and Trustworthiness . Essentially, the quality of the content takes preced

The Untold Realities of Starting a Freelancing Business

No time to read? Listen to this article on  Spotify .  As a freelancer, I've ridden the rollercoaster of self-employment more times than I can count. I'm not here to discourage you from taking the plunge. On the contrary, I aim to shed light on the realities of the freelancing world, warts and all, so you can enter it with your eyes wide open. If you've been employed for several years and you're dreaming of dipping your toes into the seemingly placid waters of freelancing, I'm here to show you the rip currents that lie beneath. The " if others can do it, why can't I? " mindset is a strong driving force, and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's one of the reasons I decided to go freelance myself. However, having been there and done that, I can tell you it's not all smooth sailing. There's a lot more to the freelancing world than meets the eye. It's not just about quitting your 9-to-5 job, setting up your own work schedule,

ChatGPT and The Future of Freelance Writing: The Threats, Opportunities, and The Art of Humanizing AI-Created Content

One crisp November day in 2022 introduced me to a writing phenomenon: ChatGPT. Like a cold wind from the digital abyss, this AI language model turned my world of freelance writing on its head. With its efficiency and uncanny knack for human-like prose, I saw an ominous specter looming over my career. I’m not alone in this boat. Freelance writers everywhere are grappling with unsettling seas. Competition is fierce, opportunities scarce, and as the world emerges from its pandemic cocoon, remote work seems less enticing. On top of all this, Upwork, the once-trusted platform, redesigned its algorithms favoring corporate greed over freelance livelihoods. Let me tell you about my friend Sarah, a gifted writer who had made a name for herself in the freelance world. When ChatGPT became mainstream, she lost a prominent client who found the lure of AI-created content irresistible. Listening to Sarah's voice on the phone, heavy with fear and uncertainty, was like staring into a mirror reflect

Marites Survival Guide: Thriving (and Laughing) in the Tsismis Jungle

Raise your hand if you've ever walked into a room and felt the energy shift like a scene from a teleserye.  Or maybe you've scrolled through your Facebook feed only to see your name tagged in a post that feels just a tad too personal.  If so, congratulations, you've encountered the Marites phenomenon. In the Philippines, "Marites" isn't just a name – it's a cultural force.  She's the chismosa, the rumor mill operator, the one who knows everyone's business (and isn't afraid to share it). This guide is your trusty companion for navigating the sometimes-treacherous world of tsismis, learning to laugh it off, and even reclaiming your narrative. Ready to ditch the drama and embrace the fun? Tara, let's go! The Lowdown on "Marites": What's in a Name? My sincere thanks to  @SarkisAlyTV  for allowing me to borrow this video. Subscribe to their channel here .  So, who is this "Marites" everyone keeps talking about? Is she the