
Showing posts with the label Fiverr

"Hang Up and Submit": A Viral Video's Threat to Filipino Freelancing's Reputation

I was casually sipping my coffee while browsing Facebook when I chanced upon a viral video of a child handling a work call, even describing how to "hang up and submit" the call as if it were nothing. My immediate thought was, imagine if a client abroad gets to watch this video. While it's adorable that a child is mimicking their work-from-home parent, imagine the potential consequences. Clients abroad could easily form a negative perception of Filipino freelancers, assuming a lack of professionalism or disregard for client needs. This single video has the potential to damage the reputation we've meticulously built as reliable and dedicated workers. The video shows a young child mimicking her mother's work routine, stating, “‘pag may tumawag, hang up niyo lang and submit.” This is alarming because hanging up on a call is a major breach of protocol in the call center world and could result in disciplinary action. This act, while seemingly innocent and humorous, rais

The Hidden Costs of Upwork's Boosting Feature: How It's Hurting Freelancers

No time to read? Listen to this article here .  Upwork is an online platform that connects freelancers with clients looking for their services. It has been a go-to platform for many freelancers looking to find new clients and build their businesses.  Recently, however, Upwork changed its bidding system and introduced a new feature called "boosting", which allows freelancers to bump their proposals up the list for visibility by the client. While this feature may sound beneficial, the reality is that it has had a detrimental effect on freelancers, particularly those who are new to the platform or have limited resources.  You cannot send proposals without Connects.  The Hidden Costs of Upwork's Boosting Feature: How It's Hurting Freelancers will explore the negative impact of these changes on freelancers and how it leads to a situation where only those who can afford to boost their bids are favored over more qualified but less financially capable freelancers. Agencies ar

Maximizing Your Visibility as a Freelancer on Upwork, Fiverr, and Other Platforms

As a freelancer, you're always looking for ways to improve your visibility and get more clients. After all, the more clients you have, the more stable your income will be. But with so many freelancers out there, it can be tough to stand out. In this article, we'll explore some strategies that you can use to improve your visibility on popular platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and others, and increase your chances of landing more work. Are you tired of competing with hundreds of other freelancers for the same job? Do you want to improve your chances of getting noticed by potential clients? Keep reading to discover some proven strategies for improving your visibility as a freelancer. The key to improving your visibility as a freelancer is to make yourself as easy to find as possible. This means optimizing your online profiles, networking with other professionals, and using the right keywords in your job proposals. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to attract

How to Be a Freelancer in 5 easy steps

  This article is a response to Junel Hans' post on Upwork Freelancers Philippines. There's no one-size-fits-all path to starting your own freelance business. However, this post will help you be the work-from-home freelancer you want to become. The first step to getting clients is to make them aware that you're available to work for them. The second step is to get in front of the right people to hire you. The internet is a crowded place. There's so much information available to the average business person that it can be overwhelming to sort through what's worth your time and what's not. If you're starting and looking to get started with a new project as a freelancer, you may be wondering where to turn. The good news is that there are plenty of freelance opportunities for you to start and build a thriving business. But first, you'll need to know what you're doing before you can begin. I've written this article to help you figure out how

Upwork Freelancing: It's Not For Everyone

I frequent Upwork groups on Facebook, and while browsing the other day, I saw Florence's Facebook post. He said: I think this Upwork platform is for those that have started working there already. Not for beginners! How can a newbie get a job? Even after shuffling the requirements to entry-level, those hirers would still be asking for 90% JSS with past works, and it's so annoying... I don't think the platform is well-organized, and it's also full of scammers. Please, I will be glad to know if you have any other Freelancing platforms that are better. Niche: Accounting, Finance, Data entry. The post piqued my interest, so I asked permission from Florence if could get a screenshot of his FB post and write an article about it. Why? Because it's loaded. In this post, I will answer some of the points he raised in the hope of sharing my learning and experience with others who might also be frustrated with not finding clients on Upwork or any other platforms. 

6 Ways to Protect Yourself from Fake Freelance Jobs

Fake jobs are everywhere—and freelancing sites are no exception. As we all know, if you're looking for work online, you'll find plenty of opportunities to take on freelance projects. However, this doesn't necessarily mean you should jump at the first opportunity you come across. Why? Because many of those opportunities turn out to be fake. But how can you spot a scammer from a legitimate job posting? If you are a first-time work-from-home freelancer, this article is for you. I've compiled a list of five red flags that will let you know if you are about to sign up for a scam job. Let's take a look at them now. Telltale signs that a job is a scam Most of the online platforms that offer paid jobs offer legitimate paying jobs. There are legitimate clients out there with business problems that can only be solved with the help of a freelancer.  However, in between these legitimate jobs, hide a sinister world of scammers who look for people like you and me to take ad

6 Tips on Getting Your First Client As A Freelancer

When starting your own freelance business, there's no one-size-fits-all path. However, this post will help you to create the perfect client experience from day one.  The first step to getting clients is to make them aware that you're available to work for them. The second step is to get in front of the right people to hire you.  How to get your first client as a freelancer in 6 simple steps The internet is a crowded place. There's so much information available to the average business person that it can be overwhelming to sort through what's worth your time and what's not. You may wonder where to turn if you're starting and looking to start a new project. The good news is that you have plenty of freelance opportunities to create and build a thriving business. But first, you'll need to know what you're doing before starting. I've written this article to help you figure out how to get your first client as a freelancer in 6 simple steps.  1. Figu