Upwork's Boosted Proposals Trample on the Little Guys: A Call for a Level-Playing Field

As a freelancer on Upwork, it can be disheartening to see the constant stream of boosted proposals flooding the platform. For those who can afford to pay hundreds or even thousands of connects to get noticed by clients, the playing field is tilted in their favor. Meanwhile, the little guys - those who don't have the means to boost their proposals - are left in the dust.

Upwork's decision to allow boosted proposals is a clear indication of their greed and willingness to prioritize profits over fairness. By allowing those with deep pockets to pay for an advantage, Upwork is effectively monetizing the job application process and creating a system where merit and skill are secondary to one's ability to pay.

This is not only unfair to those who can't afford to boost their proposals, but it also undermines the value of hard work and experience. Freelancers who have spent years honing their skills and building a strong portfolio are at a disadvantage when competing against those who can simply buy their way to the top.

It's time for Upwork to level the playing field and create a platform that values merit, skill, qualification, and experience over the ability to pay for an advantage. Clients, too, have a role to play in this. By choosing to look beyond boosted proposals and instead considering a freelancer's qualifications and experience, they can help create a more fair and equitable system.

As freelancers, we provide the platform with the income they use to fund the platform. That effectively makes us their business partner, giving us the power to speak out and demand change.

By sharing our experiences and calling on Upwork to create a level playing field, we can push for a system that values hard work and merit over the ability to pay for an advantage. It's time for Upwork to prioritize fairness over profits and create a platform that works for everyone.


  1. Agreed - un fortunately the "greed" part of that word is the only one Upwork understand Anthony.


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