
Showing posts from June 2, 2024

Mars, May Extra Ka Ba Diyan? Bayaran ko sa Lunes

Mars, kamusta?   These two words, seemingly innocent enough, can evoke a range of emotions for any Filipino. For some, it's a genuine inquiry into your well-being. For others, it's a prelude to the juiciest chismis (usually starting with, " Mars, may tsika ako... "). But for many of us, those two words can send a shiver down the spine, a signal that the dreaded " pautang " dance is about to begin.   We've all been there, haven't we? Staring at our phone screens, thumbs hovering over the keyboard, heart pounding like a drumbeat in a fiesta.  The awkward pause, the hesitant " Baka may extra ka diyan? ", and the inevitable " Bayaran ko sa Lunes " – it's a delicate tango of desperation, awkwardness, and the faint hope that "Lunes" will magically solve all our financial woes.   But hey, let's face it – borrowing money is as Pinoy as karaoke and balut. It's a cultural phenomenon, a rite of passage even. So, grab a

What Were You Thinking?: Episode 2 - The HPG Escort Flex Gone Wrong

When I wrote a blog a few days ago about a graduating student who donned a Nazi uniform with a Sieg Heil salute for his graduation photo, I thought that was the peak of questionable decisions shared online. But today, as I read the news about a woman flaunting her husband's arrangement of an HPG escort, I realized the well of bewildering social media posts runs much deeper. So, welcome to Episode 2 of What Were You Thinking?  The Philippine Highway Patrol Group (HPG) has long been tangled in controversies surrounding its officers being hired out as private escorts for the elite. While escorting a politician, a businessman, or even a foreigner through traffic is not officially part of their mandate, some HPG officers reportedly engage in this practice as a way to supplement their income. This unofficial side hustle, however, has fueled accusations of unethical and unprofessional conduct, undermining the public's trust in the HPG's commitment to serving all citizens equally a

Are You Sure You Want to Use GPT-4o? It's Free But There Are Risks

I'll be honest – I've fallen out of love with ChatGPT. Sure, the idea of generative AI is still mind-blowing, but the novelty has worn off. Plus, I've started to question the old adage: "If something's free, you're the product." Turns out, this rings especially true for tools like GPT-4o.   What seems like a "free" AI playground is actually harvesting your precious data – every word, voice recording, and image you share. So, what exactly are you giving up for those AI-powered chats and creations? Let's unravel the hidden costs lurking behind GPT-4o's "free" facade. What You Get, What You Give Don't get me wrong, GPT-4o is impressive. It's like having a super-smart assistant who can write emails, summarize articles, brainstorm ideas, and even whip up some digital art – all with just a few prompts. But like any good magician, GPT-4o has a few tricks up its sleeve. And the biggest trick of all? It's not just taking your

To AI or Not to AI: The Ethics of Using ChatGPT to Give Feedback (and Why My Client's ChatGPT Trickery Rubbed Me the Wrong Way)

Yesterday, I landed a new gig writing articles for a client. Excitement buzzing in my veins, I dove straight into the work, eager to impress. After sharing my meticulously constructed article outline, I waited with bated breath for feedback. What I received instead was... well, a bit of a curveball. A wall of text that felt eerily familiar. Turns out, my client had simply pasted my outline into ChatGPT and hit "critique this for me and give me ways to improve it." Now, I'm no Luddite. I've dabbled with AI tools myself, marveling at their ability to spit out ideas and automate mundane tasks. But this felt different.  It felt like a cop-out, a shortcut that undermined the value of my work and the effort I'd put in. As the frustration simmered, a bigger question bubbled up: what are the ethics of using AI for feedback? Is it a helpful tool or a lazy way to avoid doing the real work of critical thinking and communication? And am I just being overly sensitive, or is th

Mahal mo ba ang Pilipinas? Delete Tiktok

Nakakagalit at nakakalungkot.  As I watched Joseph Morong’s TikTok video about the West Philippine Sea getting muted, my blood boiled. It was like a gut punch. Here was a vigilant journalist, trying to bring to light the truth about our waters, only to be silenced by a platform notorious for its ties to China. This wasn’t just about a video; it was about a blatant attempt to suppress our voice. TikTok's Controversial Actions Joseph Morong is just one of many vigilant reporters covering the West Philippine Sea. When his content was muted by TikTok, it wasn’t just silencing one man—it was silencing a nation. Filipinos everywhere reacted with fury and disbelief. TikTok, owned by ByteDance, a Beijing-based company, has been under scrutiny for its data practices and censorship tendencies. This incident is just another addition to a long list of grievances​  China's Aggressive Tactics in the West Philippine Sea China's behavior in the West Philippine Sea has been nothing short of

What Were You Thinking? Episode 1: A Reaction to the Nazi Graduation Photo Incident

When I saw the news about a student wearing a Nazi uniform for his graduation picture, I couldn't help but ask, "What were you thinking?"  Imagine this: It's your graduation day, a moment of pride and joy. You're supposed to be celebrating your achievements, taking pictures with friends and family. Instead, you decide to wear a Nazi uniform. Talaga ba? The Weight of History We all know what the Nazi regime stood for—hatred, violence, and the Holocaust. Millions of lives were lost. The swastika isn't just a symbol; it's a reminder of unimaginable pain and suffering. Wearing that uniform, even as a joke, trivializes the horrors of the past. It's like saying, "I don't care about what happened." The Backlash Of course, the backlash came fast. Social media lit up with anger and disappointment. People were shocked and disgusted. The school had to step in and address the issue. The reaction wasn't just about the uniform; it was about the lac

Nicotine Pouches: A New Horizon for Quitting Smoking?

Yesterday, a new chapter in my learning unfolded unexpectedly. Despite quitting smoking in 2015 after years as a heavy smoker, a client on Upwork introduced me to nicotine pouches—a term I hadn't encountered before. If I knew about this product back then, I might have considered them in my efforts to quit. This article explores nicotine pouches, aiming to inform those contemplating quitting smoking about this alternative. A Brief History of Nicotine Pouches Nicotine pouches stem from older tobacco products like Swedish snus (a moist, smokeless tobacco product from Sweden). The modern iterations, however, are distinctly different—these are tobacco-free sachets that offer a cleaner nicotine delivery. Emerging in the early 2000s, with notable brands like ZYN launching in the U.S. market by 2014, these products have evolved from traditional tobacco usages to incorporate synthetic or purified nicotine with plant-based fibers, providing a smokeless nicotine experience. What Exactly are

Understanding and Accepting the LGBTQ+ Community Beyond Words

If you're like me, you might find yourself puzzled by the evolving discussions around gender identity. Growing up in Albay during the 1980s and 90s, I witnessed firsthand how terms like "bakla" were delivered with a sting that branded it an insult. Considering this background, my attempt to talk about gender fluidity and other LGBTQ+ topics might seem intricate. If this resonates with you, this article aims to cultivate understanding and respect for a community that is rightfully asserting its place in society. Understanding Sexuality and Gender Through Personal Stories I'm not an expert on this topic, so I reached out to several people to share their experiences, helping me explore the varied and personal nature of these identities. Here are their stories: Bea's Story - Heterosexual : Bea has always been attracted to the opposite sex. Her journey is filled with romantic interests and deepening relationships that reflect a heterosexual orientation, where emotional