The Untold Realities of Starting a Freelancing Business

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As a freelancer, I've ridden the rollercoaster of self-employment more times than I can count. I'm not here to discourage you from taking the plunge. On the contrary, I aim to shed light on the realities of the freelancing world, warts and all, so you can enter it with your eyes wide open.

If you've been employed for several years and you're dreaming of dipping your toes into the seemingly placid waters of freelancing, I'm here to show you the rip currents that lie beneath. The "if others can do it, why can't I?" mindset is a strong driving force, and there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's one of the reasons I decided to go freelance myself.

However, having been there and done that, I can tell you it's not all smooth sailing. There's a lot more to the freelancing world than meets the eye. It's not just about quitting your 9-to-5 job, setting up your own work schedule, and basking in the freedom of working from home or anywhere in the world. There's a flip side to this coin that often gets swept under the rug.

In this blog, I want to share the hard truths about freelancing, especially when you're just starting. This is for all of you who are curious about freelancing and those seriously considering making the shift. By the end of this read, I hope to offer a balanced view of this enticing career path, laying bare the realities of what it's like to stand on your own two feet in the gig economy.

The Unstable Nature of Freelancing

A common misconception that many people have about freelancing is that it provides immediate and consistent income. The truth is, freelancing, especially in the early stages, can be incredibly unstable. One month you could be flush with cash, and the next, you're wondering how you'll pay your bills. Here's why.

A. The Difficulty in Finding the First Client

When you're just starting, securing that first client can be a Herculean task. It's a classic catch-22 situation: clients want to hire freelancers with experience, but how can you gain experience without that first job? Freelancing platforms are brimming with established freelancers who have a wealth of experience and positive client testimonials under their belt. For a newbie, standing out in this crowd can be daunting.

Many newcomers to the freelance world spend months, sometimes even a year or more, pitching to prospective clients, lowering their rates in the hope of winning a job, and often facing rejection after rejection. This period of grinding with little or no income is one of the stark realities of freelancing.

B. Periods of Feast and Famine: The Ups and Downs in Workload

Once you overcome the hurdle of landing your first client, it's not smooth sailing from there. The freelancing business is notorious for its "feast or famine" cycles. There will be periods when you are swamped with work, pulling 14-18 hour days just to meet client demands. You'll find yourself working weekends, and the concept of "free time" will seem like a distant memory.

Then, suddenly, there can be a dry spell where you have no clients at all. These periods of scarcity can be unsettling and financially stressful, particularly when you have bills to pay. The inconsistency in workload and income is a significant part of the instability of freelancing.

C. The Struggle for Balance: Workload and Personal Life

The irregularity of work can lead to a lack of work-life balance, adding to the instability of freelancing. When work is plentiful, you might find yourself overworked, struggling to juggle multiple projects, and sacrificing personal time or sleep to meet deadlines. The concept of 'finishing work' can become elusive, as freelancing often blurs the boundaries between work and rest.

The pressure to always be on the hunt for the next project, even during your "off" hours, can lead to a relentless work cycle. This could mean you're reaching out to potential clients when you should be unwinding, or brainstorming for a new project while trying to enjoy a family meal. The burden of finding work, managing your business, delivering quality results to clients, and the ceaseless hunt for the next gig can create an environment of constant stress, which further underlines the instability of freelancing.

Furthermore, this blurred boundary can leave you feeling like you're always "on the clock". The flexibility that was supposed to be a perk of freelancing can sometimes feel like a curse, as the distinction between your professional and personal life becomes increasingly fuzzy. It takes discipline and experience to manage these boundaries effectively, another aspect of freelancing that newbies may find challenging.

The Importance of Niche and Reputation in Freelancing

As a fledgling freelancer, I dived headfirst into the world of freelance business without truly understanding the power of niches. I had spent years in the BPO industry in the Philippines, handling a wide range of tasks. So, when I ventured into freelancing, I started by casting my net far and wide. From customer service to virtual assistance, voice-over work to data entry, I tried my hand at various niches. Despite my efforts, the response from clients was dishearteningly mute.

A. The Challenge of Generalization: Why Being a Jack-of-All-Trades Doesn't Work

In my initial days of freelancing, I found out the hard way that adopting a jack-of-all-trades approach often means not mastering any specific skill. The crux of this problem lies in the way clients view their business problems.

Clients tend to compartmentalize their business problems. They break them down into distinct areas requiring specialized expertise. They're seldom in search of a 'one-size-fits-all' solution, and they're even less likely to entrust crucial tasks to a generalist who claims to do everything well. The exception to this might be roles such as a Virtual Assistant or an Executive Assistant, where a wide skill set is indeed beneficial.

By offering my services in various areas, I was unknowingly setting myself up for competition against established freelancers in each of those niches. These were professionals who had spent years honing a particular skill set, and understandably, they had more experience, a stronger portfolio, and a deeper understanding of their field than I did as a generalist.

In attempting to cater to a wide audience, I diluted my own offering. My skills were broad but lacked the depth and focus that clients were actively seeking. As a result, making meaningful connections with prospective clients became a challenge.

So, while it seemed counterintuitive at the time, I realized that I needed to narrow my focus. Niching down allowed me to develop expertise and offer clients the depth of service they were seeking. The path from being a generalist to a specialist isn't easy, but it is a crucial step toward success in the freelancing world.

B. Discovering My Niche: The Power of Specialization and Further Specialization

Returning to my first love, writing, was a turning point in my freelancing journey. However, it wasn't enough to declare myself a writer - the field was too broad, and the competition was stiff. Realizing the importance of differentiating myself, I decided to niche down and specialize as a blogger, web content writer, proofreader, and editor.

This narrower focus gave my pitches and proposals a new level of precision. My portfolio began to reflect a depth of expertise that clients appreciated. But the game-changer came when I decided to niche down even further, carving out a unique position for myself as an AI content humanizer.

In a world where AI-generated content is becoming increasingly prevalent, humanizing this content by infusing it with creativity, personality, and the subtleties of human communication became my specialty. I started standing out, not just as a writer, but as an AI content humanizer - an expert in transforming AI-generated content into engaging relatable human language.

The result? Clients began to come in more frequently, resonating with my unique offering. By becoming a specialist in a very specific niche, I distinguished myself from the sea of freelancers. It wasn't an overnight transformation, far from it, but my focused approach was finally bearing fruit.

It underscored an important lesson: finding your niche is crucial in freelancing, but sometimes, you may need to delve even deeper. Identify a subset within your chosen niche, something you are passionate and knowledgeable about, and make that your area of expertise. The power of specialization, and further specialization, cannot be underestimated in the competitive world of freelancing.

C. The Importance of Having a Verifiable Work History

In the world of freelancing, a verifiable work history is like a badge of credibility. This means having a track record on a recognized platform, like Upwork, that can vouch for the quality and consistency of your work. Despite the relatively high fees these platforms charge, establishing a solid work history there is a long-term investment that can prove invaluable in the future.

It's not just about having completed a series of jobs; it's about having a recognized platform to authenticate your performance and endorse your reliability. This is why, whenever possible, it's vital to bring clients onto these platforms and ensure that your work, feedback, and ratings are recorded there.

A strong, verifiable work history on a trusted platform does more than just make you look good. Over time, it allows you to graduate from piecemeal deals and bargain hunting. With a solid work history, you can start to command your price, negotiate better terms, and establish yourself as a sought-after professional in your niche. Your transition from just being another freelancer to a marketable brand that clients are willing to pay a premium for.

Remember, this doesn't happen overnight. It's a process of constant effort and persistent quality delivery. But once established, verifiable work history is a formidable asset, opening doors to more opportunities and better financial rewards. It's a testament to your journey as a freelancer and a solid foundation for your continued growth.

Believe it or not, even after years of freelancing as a content writer and blogger, I find myself still in the stage of establishing my credibility. The journey is not as short or as straightforward as one might think. I had initially given myself a three-year timeline to fully establish my presence in the freelancing world. However, the rise of AI and its effects on the content creation landscape altered my plan, extending my timeline.

Yet, despite the challenges and adjustments, there's one thing I take heart in. In the face of AI writing tools like ChatGPT, which are becoming increasingly advanced and common, I am still receiving a steady stream of projects. This shows that there's a demand for human touch in content creation - a demand that I, as a specialized AI content humanizer, am perfectly positioned to meet.

This is the reality of freelancing. It's a continuous journey of adaptation, learning, and growth. The path may be longer than initially expected, and the industry more volatile, but there's always room for those who can adapt, specialize, and offer unique value.

The Hidden Cost of Starting A Freelancing Business

When people consider freelancing, they often envision the freedom it offers - the flexibility of schedule, the choice of projects, the possibility of working in pajamas from the comfort of home. What they don't always factor in are the hidden costs that come with starting a freelance business. The reality is, establishing yourself as an independent service provider is an investment, both in terms of time and money.

To put it in perspective, when I was starting my freelancing career, I invested somewhere between 2000 to 3000 USD for my setup. That might sound like a hefty sum, but that initial investment was recovered within the first two years.

The bulk of that cost went into setting up a conducive workspace at home, equipped with a reliable computer setup capable of handling heavy-duty tasks and multiple software applications. Another significant portion of the budget was dedicated to a fast and stable internet connection. As a freelancer, your internet is your lifeline to clients, and it's important to ensure uninterrupted service. In my case, I subscribed to PLDT Fibr as my primary internet service provider, with Smart Mobile and Globe Mobile as my back-up options.

To add another layer of security, I also invested in a power backup system, specifically a generator. This can prove extremely beneficial in cases of power outages, as it can keep your router and laptop running, allowing you to keep working. While a gas-powered generator will do the job, a solar-powered one is a greener alternative, helping reduce your carbon footprint.

Software and tools are another investment you need to make. This could include productivity tools, project management apps, graphic design software, writing aids, or any specialized tools necessary for your niche. Many of these require subscriptions, and while there are free alternatives, they often lack the comprehensive features that premium versions offer.

Investing in yourself - your skills, knowledge, and marketability - is equally crucial. This could involve training, certifications, seminars, and other developmental programs. It's a continual process, as staying competitive in the freelance market means keeping up-to-date with the latest trends, tools, and best practices in your field.

Yes, the costs might seem overwhelming at first, but consider them as seeds planted towards your future success. Remember, in the world of freelancing, you're not just selling a service; you're building a brand. And building a brand requires strategic and continuous investment. The financial rewards in the long run are worth the initial expenses.

Coping Strategies for Budding Freelancers

Taking the plunge into freelancing can be daunting, especially when considering the financial implications and unpredictability. However, with the right approach and some strategic planning, you can minimize the risks and navigate this transition more smoothly. Here are a few coping strategies I've found helpful throughout my freelancing journey.

Firstly, consider building a financial buffer before you jump into full-time freelancing. This could mean having enough savings to cover your bills and emergencies for up to a year. Not having to worry about immediate financial needs allows you to focus on building your freelancing business without unnecessary stress and pressure.

If you're currently employed and heavily reliant on a regular income, it might not be the best idea to resign from your job straight away. Instead, you could consider setting up your freelancing gig on the side, essentially becoming a part-time freelancer. It might mean longer hours and juggling multiple responsibilities, but it provides an opportunity to test the waters and see if freelancing is a good fit for you.

During this period, you can slowly build your client base, establish your work history, and start earning some income. Once you're comfortable and convinced that the income stream is regular enough, you can then consider transitioning to full-time freelancing. But bear in mind that achieving a regular income stream in freelancing can be a challenging feat and may take longer than anticipated.

Networking is another essential coping strategy. Connecting with other freelancers and potential clients not only helps you gain valuable insights about the industry but also opens up opportunities. This could be through social media groups, forums, or local networking events. Remember, the more visible you are, the more opportunities you attract.

Lastly, continuously invest in yourself. This means honing your skills, staying updated with industry trends, and maintaining your competitive edge. Clients are not just looking for freelancers; they're looking for experts in their respective fields. By being one, you increase your chances of landing more and better projects.

Becoming a successful freelancer isn't a walk in the park, but it's certainly not an impossible dream. With determination, resilience, and strategic planning, you can overcome the hurdles and reap the rewards of being your own boss.

Conclusion: Patience and Self-Marketing - Your Tickets to Freelancing Success

In the end, thriving as a freelancer comes down to two key elements: patience and self-marketing. If there's one piece of advice I could give to anyone considering this path, it's this: Brace yourself for the long haul and learn to master the art of marketing yourself effectively.

Freelancing isn't an overnight success story. It's a journey filled with peaks and valleys, exciting opportunities, and at times, profound uncertainty. That's why patience is paramount. It takes time to build a reputation, to carve out your niche, to create a solid, verifiable work history. It's important to be patient, to persevere despite the hurdles, and to remember that every step, every project, is contributing to your growth and shaping your success story.

But patience alone won't get you to your destination. In the freelancing world, visibility is key, and that's where self-marketing comes in. If you're not visible, you're not an option, and to be visible, you need to know how to market yourself effectively.

One crucial aspect of self-marketing is having an optimized freelance profile. Your profile is your storefront - it's what prospective clients see first, and it's what influences their decision to hire you. But it's not just about attracting clients; it's also about attracting the search engine algorithm. Your profile needs to be optimized for relevant keywords to improve its visibility in search results, essentially making it easier for clients to find you.

A well-crafted profile goes beyond just listing your skills and experience. It markets your services, your competencies, and the unique value proposition you bring to the table. It effectively communicates what you do, how you do it, and most importantly, how it solves the client's problems.

Remember, prospective clients are not just looking for a freelancer; they're looking for a solution to their problem. By positioning yourself as that solution right in your profile, you increase your chances of getting hired.

I want to leave you with this: Freelancing is challenging, no doubt, but with patience, effective self-marketing, and the resilience to keep moving forward, it can be a rewarding and fulfilling career path. As with any worthwhile endeavor, it takes time, investment, and a lot of hard work, but I assure you, the results are worth it. I hope that my experiences and insights can serve as a guide and inspire you to navigate your own freelancing journey with confidence and optimism.
