From ICC Stance to Quiboloy Defiance: Where is Philippine Justice?

(Photo borrowed from The Philippine Star)

The Philippine government fiercely defended its sovereignty against the ICC. Yet, the Quiboloy case exposes a starkly different reality. Quiboloy, the self-proclaimed "Son of God" who leads the Kingdom of Jesus Christ church, isn't just facing some minor legal hiccups.

The US wants him extradited on charges of sex trafficking, forced labor, and a whole host of other deeply troubling accusations. Back here in the Philippines, he's supposed to answer to a Senate inquiry about allegations ranging from rape to human trafficking. Yet, the man openly mocks the authorities, practically daring them to find him while he broadcasts his own news network.

A Two-Year Wait for Extradition?

Okay, maybe there are diplomatic hurdles in getting Quiboloy on a plane to the US. But that indictment has been sitting there for two years now. Where's the sense of urgency?  Is this the same government that fiercely defended its sovereignty against international intervention?

Quiboloy: Master of Taunts, Evader of Justice

And speaking of Quiboloy, the man certainly isn't shy. He's defying Senate subpoenas, throwing tantrums online, and practically offering a measly reward for anyone who can reveal his super-secret hideout. Come on, seriously? In this age of IP addresses and digital footprints, are we to believe that law enforcement can't even get a general idea of where this guy is? Even my technologically-challenged grandma could manage some basic internet sleuthing.

The "Regular Joe" Test

Let's be brutally honest: if some regular Joe, with no money, no fancy titles, no powerful friends, was accused of even a fraction of what Quiboloy faces, would he be issuing press statements?  Or would he be behind bars already? It seems like our justice system has a curious allergy to going after the rich and influential.

A Question of Will, Not Just Technology

Maybe there are technological limitations we're unaware of. Maybe the FBI, the NBI, and all those folks with their cybercrime expertise are up against a digital ghost. But if that's the case, just tell us.  Don't let this become another example of how the powerful play by different rules.

The Quiboloy case isn't just about one man. It forces us to examine whether that strong stand on sovereignty was sincere, or if there's truly a justice system here that works equally for everyone, regardless of wealth, connections, or self-proclaimed divinity. For a man who claims divine appointment, Quiboloy seems curiously reluctant to face earthly justice.


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