A New Chapter: From Freelancing Tips to Local Insights

Hey everyone,

I want to be honest with you – things are changing around here. 

For a while now, this blog has been my space to connect with all of you about freelancing. We've talked about finding clients, setting rates, managing projects – the whole shebang!

Lately though, freelancing has taken a bit of a backseat in my life. There are personal reasons for this that I won't delve into, but the outcome is clear: my priorities are shifting. It's tough, especially knowing how many of you rely on these freelancing discussions.

The New Direction

Instead of feeling defeated, I'm choosing to be excited! I'm still a passionate writer, and I have another huge passion in my life: the Philippines. 

Our country is so vibrant, with incredible stories unfolding every day. From politics to culture, and everything in between, there's so much to explore and discuss.

That's why I'm pivoting the focus of this blog. 

Going forward, I'll be diving into the things happening right here in our backyard. We'll look at current events, hidden gems waiting to be discovered, and the everyday experiences that make the Philippines so unique.

Why the Change?

There are a few reasons behind this shift:

  • Staying True to Myself: Passion can't be faked, and mine's burning brightest when it comes to the Philippines.
  • Community Connection: I want to build a community that's as excited about our country as I am.
  • Local Impact: Sometimes the greatest impact starts within your own borders.

I hope you'll stick around! I understand some of you might be disappointed, and that's okay. But for those who love the Philippines, and the idea of exploring it together, I think we're going to have a blast.

Let me know what you think in the comments!

P.S For any lingering freelancing questions, I'm happy to point you to some amazing resources. Don't worry, I'm not leaving you hanging!


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