Discovering the Hidden Gems of Remote Work: A Quick Review of

It can be difficult to find clients as a freelancer. With so many job marketplaces, it can be difficult to know where to start your search. However, after scouring the internet job market, I discovered a true gem -

I have found this platform to be an invaluable resource, and I wanted to share my experiences with others who may be struggling to secure work as a freelancer. No matter if you're just starting out or have been in the job market for a while, could be the answer you've been looking for. is an online jobs and career networking website which connects employers and job seekers in the Philippines.

It's a job board that allows companies to find and hire remote Filipino workers for various jobs, such as virtual assistants, customer service representatives, and more.

The approach to creating a profile for job seekers that has is unique and sets it apart from other job marketplaces. The platform focuses on skills and availability instead of a traditional resume. Employers can assess job seekers' qualifications by using IQ, DISC, and English proficiency tests, and other tests relevant to the position. 

Job Opportunities:

The variety of employment opportunities is something that I appreciate. There is something for everyone from virtual assistance to content writing. There are legitimate employers who are looking to hire remote workers on the platform.

Through the platform, I was able to get multiple interviews as a content writer. Having spoken with others who have also found clients on, I know I'm not the only one who has been successful.

Profile Creation:'s skill-based profile creation is a game changer. Instead of a traditional resume, the platform focuses on relevant skills. Job seekers can highlight the skills they bring to employers, while employers can take a look at your qualifications at a glance.

To help employers assess job seekers' qualifications, also uses IQ, DISC, and English proficiency tests. Having access to accurate information about an applicant ensures employers have the highest chance of hiring them.

It's not just employers who benefit from this approach. The strict verification process, which requires submitting a government ID and a selfie with it, ensures that the profile belongs to a natural person. In addition, it helps prevent fraud. As a result, employers and job seekers feel more secure.

Payment and Dispute Resolution:

The multiple payment options available for employers to pay workers directly are another thing that sets apart from other job marketplaces. In this way, employers can pay workers in different parts of the world in a flexible manner.

Furthermore, the platform doesn't take a cut of the payment, so workers can negotiate their pay rates with employers. It is up to the employer and employee to decide how they want to handle the payment release process, which gives both parties more control.

In disputes, online is also present during mediation, ensuring that both parties are treated fairly. Again, this can increase the sense of security for both employers and job seekers.

Additional Features:

A unique feature of is that the account must be linked to a Facebook account. By viewing an applicant's online presence, employers can gain a better understanding of their qualifications.

Additionally, allows users to invoice clients, which simplifies the payment process for both employers and job seekers.

Personal experience

As mentioned in the introduction, is a recent discovery. I heard about the website from freelancers I've coached. But, due to my satisfaction and happiness with Upwork, I never paid much attention to it. 

Upwork, however, made some major changes to its algorithm between February and March 2022 and effectively monetized the proposal sending process. This change negatively affected many freelancers on the platform, but I won't get into the details. 

With a profile description written from a marketing and sales perspective, my Upwork profile is 100% complete and fully search engine-optimized. I have also had several clients in the past who left excellent reviews and high ratings (currently 4.8 stars). Additionally, I have a top-rated badge. As a result, I used to receive 30 to 50 invitations from clients, but that stopped after March 2022. 

My frustration with the platform and fierce competition led me to give a try. The platform is unique in that it focuses on the IQ Test, the Tony Robbins DISC personality test. Instead of asking job seekers to list their experiences like you would on a resume. Since I am a writer, I took an English mastery test. It then asked me how well I rated my skills, perhaps so the platform's algorithm could help clients find me. Last but not least, I had to add a description of my experience. To get verified, I had to upload a professional looking photo and a photo of my valid ID. requires you to provide a valid ID and complete the required information (e.g. Facebook URL, government ID, picture, skill, description) to verify your identity. The more information a candidate provides, the easier it is for the employer to determine whether they are really who they claim to be, resulting in a higher ID proof score (mine is currently 99, the highest).

There is a team assigned to manually check all the information you provide on, so if you lie now or later, you will be permanently banned from this site. 

After I completed my profile, invitations from various clients began pouring in. Receiving all that attention felt overwhelming at first. However, I replied to all of them, until I was offered a position as a content writer by a premium clothing brand. The company offered me a full-time position as a content writer after two days. I decided to take the job despite the low initial pay rate, since it is a stable 9 to 5 job from home. 

In summary, has everything you need to make money online. Whether you are looking for a part-time or full-time job, there is a job out there for you. So, try the platform and let me know how it turns out for you. Good luck with your job search and I hope you get a job soon. 

Conclusion: is a standout platform offering unique features such as skill-based profile creation, multiple payment options and dispute resolution assistance. The strict verification process and Facebook profile requirement add transparency and trust between employers and job seekers. As a freelancer, I found the platform to be a valuable resource for remote job opportunities, securing multiple interviews. I highly recommend as a reliable and trustworthy platform for finding clients and job opportunities. It is an underrated gem in the job marketplace, and one should try it to experience the results.


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